Featured Artists

OneFineArt.com represents the finest artworks available today from works of artist painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic artists, artisans, fashion designers, poets, writers, calligraphers, illustrators, mosaic artists, musicians.

Latest Events

Carrousel du Louvre - Paris:

Opening 18 October 2024

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Mark Hachem Gallery - Daisy Abi Jaber:

19th of September 2024 starting 6 pm

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Renée Fawaz at Escape Gallery Beirut:

Chromatic Mysteries September to October 2024

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OneFineArt invites art-lovers to check available artworks ready to be be ordered and shipped as soon as payment is made.

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OneFineArt Profile of Artists!

OneFineArt offers for artists the possibility to be listed in the site. You should complete our registration art form and send to our mail address.
Participation in OneFineArt.com will be charged at a rate of US $ 120 for each year.

OneFineArt Direct Sale!

OneFineArt presents the Lebanese and Arab artists of the past: painters, sculptors, poets, writers... etc.
OneFineArt brings to these pages those pioneers who over the last 150 years, from 1850 to the present day, have followed the call of the great human adventure.

OneFineArt Events and Exibitions!

OneFineArt offers all interested artists the possibility of advertising their exhibitions from our site.
Please send us a brief description of your art events. It will be a pleasure for our staff to contact you back in order to establish the pages for your events.

OneFineArt Articles!

OneFineArt presents 'One Art Articles', a section where searchers can find interesting articles about art.
It is a bibliographic database that indexes articles from books and magazines. The section is managed only to gather documentation concerning Art in the Arab World and especially in Lebanon.