Camille Allam, Press Articles
Press Articles:
A la recherche de l'objet à récupérer: Exposition Escalier de l’Art - Gemmayzé
Pour Camille Allam, tout a commencé un jour où, découvrant dans un amas de morceaux de fer jetés des objets inutilisables, il va créer des œuvres d'art.
D'abord est né un coq avec des couleurs primaires, puis un chat noir et blanc, puis une gazelle, un crocodile... Il travaille dur à tordre les branches de fer auxquelles il a ajouté boulons, grosses pinces. Et cela donne un effet superbe.
Camille a fait des études de décoration à l'Université de Kaslik et travaille dans ce domaine quand il n'est pas dans son atelier à essayer d'apprivoiser entre le fer, le bois, le papier, auxquels il donne des couleurs qui charment du premier regard. Il s'est mis à la sculpture depuis toujours, ses œuvres sont dans des collections pri¬vées,
Les animaux? Camille les a apprivoisés à sa manière «c'est mon bestiaire fantastique» avoue-t-il et de se demander si chacun de nous n'a pas envie de ciseler un animal qu'il aime.
Revue du LIBAN , Beirut, 2000, Sonia Nigolian):
All, absolutely all, interests Camille Allam wrought Iron like paper Journal, the straw like the brushwood, the vine stocks as branches of a fig tree, stones like the natural pigments mixed with silicone...
The definition which sticks best to this artist would be: Nothing is lost… All is created.
Camille seeks through his work, to pass a message. The man, in this finishing century, should redefine himself with respect to nature, of his environment, which it so liberally " disfigured, before facing the third millennium…
From where these astonishing sculptures that he calls his “Bio-Sculptures”.
Originating in Deir el-Kamar where he has his workshop, within the framework of the “Estivals” of this area to the indefinable charm, he opened the doors, to let enter the esthètes and the curious.
Workshop doors open in Deir el-Kamar for Camille Allam:
The artist and his work: To pay homage to nature, in this chaotic century.
We penetrated his " cave ", where he likes to insulate himself to remake the world and to create his " incipient sculptures ", as he likes to define them.
There are humanoïdes foreign, sometimes decapitated, out of wrought iron or straw, with volumes playing the vacuums and the full …
This made bestiary of brushwood retained between them by straw…
There we found a very beautiful wrought iron cock and welded iron repaints with the peak, of an unquestionable glare, with the dynamic lines. : “the walkers will be interested, “also, with these
abstract forms, these species of puzzle consisted of branches that Allam assembled to create these forms which spring in space, defying weightlessness.
Any art in a determined society carries out its own products according to practical rules' which constitute the sum of the intuitions and the experiments of the creators.
But Allam wants to turn them back on our consumer society and to make an ecological recovery.
In the silence of his workshop, he will recreate the world, will represent the secret moment and determinant of a public act, an individual contribution to the inheritance of the company and History.
In these run up against times, the dialectical tension which characterizes this period can be expressed only by confusion reigning in the field of esthetics.
Far from being unaware of these problems of the hour, Camille Allam expresses in these compositions a beautiful poetic intensity, despite chaotic current of this century, with natural basic materials, unified by the force of the creative dash.
Then, there is the artist-painter, who, while wanting to give a new light to its colors and relief with the forms, uses largely of pigments mixed with silicone.
Camille Allam, there still, gives to see his " spherical " works, allusion wanted to our planet…
It reigns in his abstract compositions much of freedom. Spaces where the plans are complementary without never running up and running down against the glance.
The artist reserves himself for the beings which he loves, people curious about all that is done in the field of Art.
At the Gallery Art La Rosette, Ashrafieh: To invest the color with a structuring function: (Revue du Liban - 1996)
For Camille Allam a new Technique which permits of the interesting reliefs
Camille ALLAM is the first artist to propose his work on these surfaces with an about sixty compositions worked with various media of which this new technique which is, in fact, an erudite mixture of colored natural pigments and of silicone.
The rather convincing result leaves the priority to the light that Allam structure and channels with ease.
And the artist to leave pallet to the imagination in full nature in order to completely let himself invade by it, be inhabited by it.
Allam, although he is an architect of formation, head of the workshop at the U.L also folded with the hard disciplines of the Art schools of Madrid sought only to transform its impressions into halation of light, thus affirming its own vision of the world at the expense of objective reality with the emancipation of the chromatic values. To locate the Allam art is not easy.
A strange Universe of Signs
It should be specified that we deal with a young artist who wants to be in permanent research
call himself unceasingly in question, touches abstraction, art of the portrait, for then dividing its pictorial spaces of boxes and register signs.
We prefer him when he throws his net, consistent network obtained by silicone, to imprison characters with the molten silhouettes or these spaces where he integrates these purified forms.
It is there that he is invested more and that he offers to the color a structuring function, the same withdraw with the eyes that of the traditional perspective, a colored interpretation of reality, channeled by the thought.