
Haidar Hamaoui


Haidar Hamaoui was a Lebanese artist who was born in 1937 and who died in 2013. He was a painter. He is known for his paintings which he did not paint with a brush but with a thin piece of plastic. In 1960 he opened his own art school. He developed his own style and was known as a somewhat controversial artist in Beirut. Controversial in that it revolutionized the speed of painting. He is a showman who captivates an audience by demonstrating his fast painting technique using just a small piece of plastic board instead of brushes. His astute talent gives him the confidence to represent any subject, usually of local color that appeals to the vast majority of the audience.


A great page in the history of Lebanese art was folded this morning. Haïdar Hamaoui passed away in the night after a long fight against illness.

My father gave his children Nada, Rima, May, and Lina his best, his love, and his talent.

Generations of artists were trained under his wings. He was devoted to his country which he represented on numerous occasions everywhere and around the world. He has been the recipient of countless honors, notably those of the Lebanese Republic. Today, all of us are losing a gentleman of kind heart and humanity, a genius in painting with unprecedented sensitivity and immeasurable production - in short, a phenomenon that will not return.

I pay great homage to my idol, to my example, to my philosopher as I called him, to the one who has always been the source of my inspiration - to the one who transmitted to me the talent to paint, to teach, and to administrate, to my father Haidar Hamaoui whom I have always adored.

I am saddened deep in my heart... Dad, I am losing you but not in spirit; Daddy I mourn you, but not without a smile. However, this morning I can only console myself because your long suffering has ended and your soul is finally resting in peace.

I love you Dad,
Nada Hamaoui
February 27, 2013

Featured Works

 Oil painting, 60 x 30 cm
Oil painting, 60 x 30 cm
 Woman with a jar, November 1970, mixed media on canvas
Woman with a jar, November 1970, mixed media on canvas
 Lebanese Mediterranean landscape by Hamaoui
Lebanese Mediterranean landscape by Hamaoui

'Khalde' 1999 is a suburb of Beirut. The house with the red roof no longer exists but, in his paintings, Hamaoui made it as an eternal symbol of the Lebanese landscape.

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